Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025

Department of Society, Culture, Crime, & Justice Studies

Dr. Holli Drummond, Department Chair
Email: holli.drummond@wku.edu

Sociology & Criminology
Grise Hall, Office 100

Phone: 270-745-2259; Fax: 270-745-6493

Anthropology & Folklore
Ivan Wilson Center for Fine Arts, Room 237
Phone: 270-745-6549; Fax: 270-745-6889

Website: https://www.wku.edu/sccjs/



Darlene A. Applegate PhD (Anthropology), The Ohio State University Main Campus, 1997

Holli R. Drummond PhD (Sociology), University of Georgia, 2004

John M. Musalia PhD (Sociology), Indiana University-Bloomington, 2000

Anne B. Onyekwuluje PhD (Sociology), University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 1995

Matthew V. Pruitt PhD (Sociology), North Carolina State University, 1995

Douglas C. Smith PhD (Sociology), PA State University Main Campus, 1996

Associate Professor

Ann K. Ferrell PhD (English), The Ohio State University Main Campus, 2009

Jean-Luc Houle PhD (Anthropology, Archeology), University of Pitts Pittsburgh Camp, 2010

Kathryn A. Hudepohl PhD (Anthropology), Tulane University, 2002

James W. Kanan PhD (Sociology), PA State University Main Campus, 1996

Amy C. Krull PhD (Sociology & Anthropology), Purdue University Main Campus, 2000

Carrie Trojan PhD (Criminal Justice), City University of New York, 2009

Assistant Professor

Marcus A. Brooks PhD (Sociology), University of Cincinnati Main Campus, 2022

Kyle D. Maksuta PhD (Sociology), SUNY at Albany, 2021

Justin M. Smith PhD, University of Florida, 2009

Clinical Assistant Professor

Brent A. Bjorkman MA (Folk Studies), Western Kentucky University, 1998

Instructor I

Crystal L. Bohlander MPA (Public Administration), Western Kentucky University, 2003

Sydney K. Varajon PhD (English), The Ohio State University Main Campus, 2021

Anthropology (ANTH) 

ANTH 120    Introduction to Cultural Anthropology    3 Hours

Introduction to the cross-cultural study of human behavior and society. Topics normally include environment and food, economics, social and political organization, marriage and family, culture and personality, religion, social movements, and social change. Colonnade/Statewide General Education Code E-SB | SB

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; fall 2022; spring 2023; fall 2023; spring 2024; fall 2024

ANTH 125    Introduction to Biological Anthropology    3 Hours

Introduction to primatology, human origins and evolution, modern human biological variation, and other topics of biological anthropology, emphasizing biological adaptations within the framework of evolutionary theory.

Recent Term(s) Offered: fall 2023; fall 2024

ANTH 130    Introduction to Archaeology    3 Hours

Introduction to the scientific study of the archaeological record, emphasizing location methods, recovery methods, dating methods, archaeological classification, and interpretative models. Colonnade/Statewide General Education Code E-SB | SB

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; fall 2022; spring 2023; fall 2023; spring 2024; fall 2024

ANTH 135    Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology    3 Hours

Introduction to the study of the relations among language, culture, and society. Topics include language origins and history, language and gender, multilingualism, verbal art, and applied linguistic anthropology.

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; spring 2023; spring 2024

ANTH 300    Forensic Anthropology    3 Hours

Analysis of human skeletal remains and other evidence in a medicolegal context, emphasizing bone identification, race and sex determination, age and stature estimation, trauma and pathology assessment, and taphonomy evaluation.

Prerequisite(s): (ANTH 125 or BIOL 131)

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2023

ANTH 305    Paleoanthropology: Human Origins and Evolution    3 Hours

Scientific examination of the origins and biocultural evolution of humans, emphasizing evolutionary theory, evidence for human evolution, long-term trends, important fossil finds and sites, taxonomic classifications, and phylogenetic relationships. Colonnade/Statewide General Education Code K-SY

Prerequisite(s): (ANTH 130 or BIOL 113 or BIOL 131 or GEOL 112) and 21 hours of Foundations and Explorations Courses, or junior status

Recent Term(s) Offered: fall 2022; fall 2024

ANTH 316    The Archaeology of Environmental Change    3 Hours

The archaeological study of the impact of the environment on humans and of humans on the environment. Colonnade/Statewide General Education Code K-LG

Prerequisite(s): 21 hours of Foundations and Explorations Courses, or junior status

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; fall 2022; spring 2023; fall 2023; spring 2024; fall 2024

ANTH 318    The Archaeologist Looks at Death    3 Hours

Theories, concepts, and methodologies of the anthropological and archaeological study of death and burial.

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; spring 2024

ANTH 333    The Archaeology of Ancient China    3 Hours

Culture-historical overview of Ancient China from the Paleolithic to the Qin Empire focusing on major anthropological themes in Chinese archaeology and world prehistory.

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2023

ANTH 335    Old World Prehistory    3 Hours

A survey of prehistoric indigenous developments in the Old World, focusing on regional adaptations, representative sites and artifacts, food production and complex society, and chronologies.

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

ANTH 336    New World Prehistory    3 Hours

Survey of prehistoric indigenous developments in North, Central and South America, focusing on peopling the New World, regional adaptations, representative sites and artifacts, food production and complex society, and chronologies.

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

ANTH 340    Peoples and Cultures of Latin America    3 Hours

Study of the history and development of present cultures in Latin America with emphasis on economics, politics, religion, folklife and world view of indigenous, peasant and urban peoples.

Equivalent(s): FLK 340

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

ANTH 341    Peoples and Cultures of Asia    3 Hours

Study of the cultures of South, East, and Southeast Asia with emphasis on origins, prehistoric and historic migrations, ecology, and subsistence patterns, and the origins and evolution of the major civilizations of India, China, Japan, and Vietnam. Topics include kinship and the family, religion, social organization, gender, economy, colonialism and independence, globalization and development, and maintenance of traditions in modern contexts.

Equivalent(s): FLK 341

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

ANTH 342    Peoples and Cultures of the Caribbean    3 Hours

Examination of the variety of cultural practices found in modern-day Caribbean societies with attention to historical roots. Topics include, but are not limited to, definition of the region, religious practices, festivals, musical traditions, migration and everyday social life and conditions. Colonnade/Statewide General Education Code K-SY

Prerequisite(s): 21 hours of Foundations and Explorations Courses, or junior status

Equivalent(s): FLK 342

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; summer 2022; summer 2023; spring 2024; summer 2024

ANTH 343    Anthropology of Gender    3 Hours

A comparative study of the role gender plays in various aspects of culture. Topics include distribution of labor, environmental impact, and ideological constraints on gender constructs in a cross-cultural concept.

Recent Term(s) Offered: fall 2022; fall 2023

ANTH 345    Peoples and Cultures of Native North America    3 Hours

Survey of the cultures of the original peoples of North America, with emphasis on the ethnographic present.

Equivalent(s): FLK 345

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

ANTH 350    Peoples and Cultures of Africa    3 Hours

Survey of the cultures of Africa, with emphasis on historical development and contemporary cultural diversity.

Equivalent(s): AFAM 350, FLK 350

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2023

ANTH 360    Applied Anthropology – Understanding and Addressing Contemporary Human Problems    3 Hours

History and development of applied anthropology emphasizing identification of and solutions to social, economic, ecological, and technological problems. Colonnade/Statewide General Education Code K-SC

Prerequisite(s): 21 hours of Foundations and Explorations Courses, or junior status

Recent Term(s) Offered: fall 2022; fall 2023; spring 2024; fall 2024

ANTH 366    Special Topics in Anthropology    3 Hours (repeatable max of 9 hrs)

Opportunity for in-depth examination of anthropological topics of current disciplinary and student interest.

Recent Term(s) Offered: summer 2022

ANTH 378    Southern Appalachian Folklife    3 Hours

Folklife of southern Appalachia, as reflected in the material folk culture, in traditional folk customs and practices, legends, anecdotes, songs, language, and literature.

Equivalent(s): FLK 378

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

ANTH 382    Medical Anthropology    3 Hours

Cross-cultural examination of definitions of health and wellness, attitudes towards and cultural construction of illness, treatments for disease, and aging. Particular emphasis on examples from non-Western societies.

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; fall 2024

ANTH 388    Foodways    3 Hours

Exploration of the relationship between food and culture. Colonnade/Statewide General Education Code K-LG

Prerequisite(s): 21 hours of Foundations and Explorations Courses, or junior status

Equivalent(s): FLK 388

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; summer 2022; fall 2022; spring 2023; summer 2023; fall 2023; spring 2024; summer 2024; fall 2024

ANTH 395    Laboratory Practicum in Archaeology or Biological Anthropology    3 Hours (repeatable max of 9 hrs)

Practical experience in artifact accession, inventory, curation and documentation or in preparation of educational displays using archaeological and biological collections at the WKU Anthropology Lab. Graded pass-fail. Repeatable for 9 hours, 3 hours of which may count in the first 30 hours in the major or 21 hours of the minor. Note: ANTH 125 required for biological anthropology practicum, ANTH 130 required for archaeology practicum, ANTH 470/FLK 470 required for educational displays practicum, or consent of instructor. Course pass required.

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; fall 2022; spring 2023; spring 2024; fall 2024

ANTH 399    Field Methods in Ethnography    3 Hours

An examination of the history, theory, techniques, and ethics of ethnographic fieldwork, including practical fieldwork experience.

Equivalent(s): FLK 399

Recent Term(s) Offered: fall 2022; fall 2023; fall 2024

ANTH 400    Ethnomusicology    3 Hours

Survey of the concepts and methods of ethnomusicology. Topics include history of ethnomusicology, transcription and analysis, musicians, musical instruments, music acculturation, and the function of music in society.

Equivalent(s): FLK 400

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

ANTH 410    African-American Music    3 Hours

A survey of selected musical styles created and developed by African-Americans from the 17th to the 20th century: spirituals, blues, popular music forms (e.g. soul, reggae, rap music). Emphasis will be placed on the historical factors and sociocultural trends that influenced the development of African-American music.

Equivalent(s): AFAM 410, FLK 410

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

ANTH 432    Field Course in Archaeology    1-9 Hours (repeatable max of 9 hrs)

Includes archaeological survey, site mapping, artifact recovery, recording, and cataloging. Work is usually conducted on prehistoric Indian sites. The number of credit hours will be determined in consultation with instructor. Note: Permission of instructor may be required.

Prerequisite(s): ANTH 130

Recent Term(s) Offered: summer 2022; summer 2023; fall 2023; spring 2024; summer 2024

ANTH 434    Graveyard Archaeology    3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)

Application of archaeological methods in the documentation of historic graveyards, emphasizing legal mandates, formation processes, subsurface prospecting, remote sensing, mapping and headstone recording. Students must arrange own travel to field site(s).

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

ANTH 436    Applied Archaeology    3 Hours

Examines contract archaeology and public archaeology within the context of cultural resource management, emphasizing legal mandates, field methods, public education programs, and ethical considerations.

Prerequisite(s): ANTH 130

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

ANTH 438    Archaeological Lab Methods    3 Hours (repeatable max of 3 hrs)

Provides practical experience in the methods and techniques for classifying and analyzing archaeological materials and interpreting the resulting data.

Prerequisite(s): ANTH 130

Recent Term(s) Offered: fall 2022; fall 2024

ANTH 442    Ecological and Economic Anthropology    3 Hours

Analysis of economic systems and cultural adaptations to the environment of Western and non-Western societies, with particular attention paid to the Caribbean and/or Latin America.

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

ANTH 446    Anthropology of Religion    3 Hours

A cross-cultural examination of religious beliefs and practices. Topics include myth, ritual, shamanism and healing, and the role of religion in social control and social change.

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

ANTH 448    Visual Anthropology    3 Hours

This course examines photography and film as tools and products of cross-cultural research with special emphasis on cultural and political biases presented through visual means.

Restriction(s): Students with a semester level of Freshman or Sophomore may not enroll.

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2023

ANTH 449    Ethnographic Video Production    3 Hours

Video production as a research methodology in anthropology. Practical exercises and collaborative student projects. Students will produce their own short ethnographic videos. Explores practices of representing cultures through video.

Prerequisite(s): ANTH 448

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

ANTH 450    Modern Human Biological Variation    3 Hours

Uses evolutionary theory to study biological similarities and differences among living human populations on morphological, skeletal, and molecular levels, emphasizing anthropometry, racial classification, inheritance, population genetics, adaptation, disease, and intelligence.

Prerequisite(s): (MATH 109 or MATH 116) and (ANTH 125 or BIOL 327 or BIOL 430)

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

ANTH 452    Bioarchaeology    3 Hours

The scientific study of human remains from archaeological sites and the application of biological anthropology methods and theories in archaeological research in order to reconstruct past human lifeways such as health, diet and nutrition, physical activities, mortuary practices, and social organization.

Prerequisite(s): ANTH 125 or BIOL 131

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; spring 2024

ANTH 470    Museum Procedures and Preservation Techniques    3 Hours

Essential aspects of museums and preservation, i.e. collecting, preserving, researching, exhibiting, and interpreting material culture.

Equivalent(s): FLK 470

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; spring 2024

ANTH 493    Archaeology Stewardship    3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)

Field monitoring, assessment, and documentation of the integrity of local archaeological sites threatened by cultural and natural formation processes. Students must arrange own travel to field sites. Note: A course pass and at least six additional hours in anthropology required.

Prerequisite(s): ANTH 130

Recent Term(s) Offered: fall 2022; fall 2024

ANTH 495    Directed Study    1-4 Hours (repeatable max of 8 hrs)

Available to superior students who wish to conduct individual, intensive reading and research in a specific area of anthropology in close cooperation with supervising faculty. Submission of such projects to student sections of regional professional meetings is encouraged. Number of credit hours will be determined in consultation with instructor. Note: Consent of department head and course pass required.

Restriction(s): Students with a semester level of Freshman or Sophomore may not enroll.

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; summer 2022; fall 2022; spring 2023; summer 2023; spring 2024; summer 2024; fall 2024

ANTH 499    Senior Seminar    1 Hour

Anthropological concepts and theories, current topics and developments in the discipline, anthropology careers and graduate programs, and professional ethics. To be taken in the last year of the student's program of study in anthropology. Note: 15 hours of Anthropology courses required prior to enrollment.

Prerequisite(s): ANTH 120 and ANTH 125 and ANTH 130 and ANTH 135

Restriction(s): Students with a semester level of Academy Junior, Academy Senior, Freshman or Sophomore may not enroll.

Enrollment is limited to students in Anthropology (608)

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; fall 2022; spring 2023; fall 2023; spring 2024; fall 2024

Criminology (CRIM)

CRIM 101    Introduction to Criminal Justice    3 Hours

Survey of criminal justice systems, including police, courts and corrections. Colonnade/Statewide General Education Code E-SB | SB

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; summer 2022; fall 2022; winter 2023; spring 2023; summer 2023; fall 2023; spring 2024; summer 2024; fall 2024

CRIM 199    College & Careers in Criminology & Sociology    1 Hour

An orientation to academic life within Criminology & Sociology at WKU, as well as career planning and preparation. Students are introduced to information and skills essential to success as a criminology or sociology major. Throughout the course, students develop their own career paths by employing job search strategies and refining artifacts such as a resume/cv, ePortfolio, and cover letter.

Equivalent(s): SOCL 199

Recent Term(s) Offered: fall 2023; spring 2024; fall 2024

CRIM 222    Introduction to Crime Mapping    3 Hours

This course introduces theoretical and methodological content related to the study of spatial crime concentration in urban environments. Note: Students will need to have consistent access to a computer with a Windows operating system.

Prerequisite(s): CRIM 101 (may be taken concurrently)

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

CRIM 232    Introduction to Law Enforcement    3 Hours

An introduction to policing-including the history of law enforcement, the police and the criminal justice system, principles of law enforcement, and professional issues in law enforcement.

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; fall 2022; spring 2023; fall 2023; spring 2024; fall 2024

CRIM 233    Alternatives to Confinement    3 Hours

An examination of community treatment options in the correctional process with emphasis on contemporary probation and parole practices for adult offenders. Diversion, halfway houses, drug and alcohol treatment, restitution, house arrest, community service, and new community-based programs for women will be discussed.

Recent Term(s) Offered: fall 2022; fall 2023; fall 2024

CRIM 234    Crime and Popular Culture    3 Hours

Course examines depictions of crime and justice in popular culture and its influence on public perceptions of crime and the criminal justice system.

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; spring 2023; spring 2024; fall 2024

CRIM 238    Victimology & Victim Advocacy    3 Hours

Survey of the major theories and research in victimology. Topics include violent victimization, sexual assault, child abuse, and response of criminal justice system to victims—including the unique occupational field of victim advocacy.

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; fall 2022; spring 2023; fall 2023; spring 2024; fall 2024

CRIM 330    Criminology    3 Hours

Survey of crime in the United States, focusing on theoretical explanations of crime causation, crime classification, and measurement.

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; summer 2022; fall 2022; winter 2023; spring 2023; summer 2023; fall 2023; winter 2024; spring 2024; summer 2024; fall 2024

CRIM 332    Juvenile Delinquency    3 Hours

An examination of the socio-legal aspects of delinquency, including a critical analysis of trends and contemporary treatment modes. Field trips required.

Recent Term(s) Offered: winter 2022; spring 2022; summer 2022; fall 2022; spring 2023; summer 2023; fall 2023; spring 2024; summer 2024; fall 2024

CRIM 339    Experiential Learning in Criminology    3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)

Practical experience in service learning or community-based learning alongside a group of enrolled students and mentored by program faculty. May be repeated once for a maximum of 6 credit hours.

Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

CRIM 340    Criminal Courts and Sentencing    3 Hours

This course is intended to provide students with an introduction to American criminal courts and sentencing, including how criminal courts operate, who the important actors are, and how theory and empirical research inform sentencing approaches.

Prerequisite(s): CRIM 101

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

CRIM 346    Special Topics in Criminology    3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)

Survey of topics, issues, and developments in the discipline of criminology and criminal justice. Course may be repeated with a different topic.

Prerequisite(s): CRIM 101

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; fall 2022; spring 2023; fall 2024

CRIM 361    Race, Class, and Crime    3 Hours

Course examines how race, ethnicity, and social class pose differential risks for offending, victimization, and disparate processing by the criminal justice system. Colonnade/Statewide General Education Code K-SC

Prerequisite(s): (SOCL 100 or CRIM 101) and 21 hours of Foundations and Explorations Courses, or junior status

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; spring 2023; spring 2024; summer 2024; fall 2024

CRIM 370    Issues in Policing    3 Hours

This course acts as a critical appraisal and exploration of the history, role, and research on the police, particularly in the United States. As the gatekeepers to the criminal justice system, police are afforded a great deal of discretion, and it is this discretion which is often at the heart of debate and research into the police in contemporary society. While this course is concerned with providing an even-handed account of policing in the United States, we will explore many controversial issues including the discretionary use (and abuse) of police authority, especially those factors which may relate to or signify bias in police decision-making, and the ways in which police may be held accountable by the public.

Prerequisite(s): CRIM 101

Recent Term(s) Offered: fall 2023; fall 2024

CRIM 380    Punishment and Society    3 Hours

This upper-level course explores the evolution and philosophy of correctional practices from early to contemporary times. Initially, the course examines the role of prisons and other penal practices in historical context focusing on American corrections. Next, the course provides a comprehensive review of the issues in modern American corrections. The goal of this course is to stimulate evidence-based thinking about correctional policies and practices.

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; summer 2022; fall 2022; spring 2023; summer 2023; fall 2023; spring 2024; summer 2024; fall 2024

CRIM 430    Comparative Systems of Juvenile Justice    3 Hours

The comparative study of juvenile justice systems, focusing on the varying local, state, regional, or societal structures which influence these systems. Colonnade/Statewide General Education Code K-SY

Prerequisite(s): 21 hours of Foundations and Explorations Courses, or junior status

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; summer 2022; fall 2022; spring 2023; summer 2023; fall 2023; spring 2024; summer 2024; fall 2024

CRIM 432    Sociology of Criminal Law    3 Hours

An examination of the sociological research and theory focusing on social structural factors affecting the creation of criminal codes, the enforcement of criminal law and the imposition of penal sanctions. Note: 6 hours of CRIM are required prior to enrollment in course.

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; summer 2022; winter 2023; summer 2024

CRIM 434    Organized Crime    3 Hours

The study of both traditional and nontraditional organized crime from a sociological perspective. Colonnade/Statewide General Education Code K-LG

Prerequisite(s): 21 hours of Foundations and Explorations Courses, or junior status

Recent Term(s) Offered: summer 2022; fall 2022; summer 2023; fall 2023; winter 2024; spring 2024; summer 2024; fall 2024

CRIM 437    The Death Penalty in America    3 Hours

Course examines the death penalty in relation to public policy, legal, historical, and ethical issues, as well as arguments for and against its use. Note: 6 hours of CRIM or 6 hours of SOCL courses are required prior to enrollment in course.

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

CRIM 439    Internship in Criminology    1-6 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)

Internships are unique experiential learning opportunities. Once placed with a community partner, the student works toward an enhanced understanding of prior coursework through practical experience in a supervised work situation. Note: Course pass required.

Prerequisite(s): (SOCL 300 or SOCL 302)

Restriction(s): Students with a semester level of Academy Junior, Academy Senior, Freshman, Junior or Sophomore may not enroll.

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; fall 2022; spring 2023; fall 2023; spring 2024; fall 2024

CRIM 440    Police Interrogations and False Confessions    3 Hours

Overview of police interrogations and factors contributing to false confessions. Topics include how false confessions can occur, the factors that contribute to them, and both the potential long term consequences of a false confession and policies to prevent or remediate them.

Prerequisite(s): CRIM 101 with a minimum grade of C

Recent Term(s) Offered: fall 2022; fall 2023; fall 2024

CRIM 446    Gender, Crime, and Justice    3 Hours

Explores how gender shapes reactions toward victims, offenders, and professionals working in the juvenile and criminal justice systems.

Restriction(s): Students with a semester level of Academy Junior, Academy Senior, Freshman or Sophomore may not enroll.

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; spring 2023; fall 2023

CRIM 447    Life-Course Criminology    3 Hours

Survey of the theoretical and empirical research examining the onset, escalation, persistence, and desistance of crime and offending patterns over the human life-course.

Prerequisite(s): CRIM 330

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

CRIM 448    International Justice and Crime    3 Hours

Comparative survey of crime, national criminal justice systems, and international and transnational criminal justice.

Prerequisite(s): CRIM 330

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

CRIM 451    White-Collar Crime    3 Hours

An overview of the definitions, history, nature and extent of white-collar crime as well as theories and explanations that address its causes, correlates, and efforts at control.

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; spring 2024; summer 2024; fall 2024

CRIM 456    Homicide and Serial Homicide    3 Hours

Examination of empirical research pertaining to single and multiple victim homicide, including subtypes, theoretical explanations, victimology, and offender behavior.

Prerequisite(s): (CRIM 101 or CRIM 231 or SOCL 231) and CRIM 330

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; spring 2023; spring 2024

CRIM 489    Criminology Study Abroad    1-6 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)

Study of comparative criminology, criminal justice systems and topics in international locations.

Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor

Recent Term(s) Offered: winter 2022; summer 2022; winter 2024

CRIM 495    Directed Study in Criminology    1-3 Hours (repeatable max of 3 hrs)

Individual and intensive reading and research in a specific area of criminology in close cooperation with supervising faculty. Course pass required.

Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor

Restriction(s): Students with a semester level of Freshman or Sophomore may not enroll.

Recent Term(s) Offered: fall 2022; spring 2023; fall 2023

CRIM 496    Directed Study in Criminology    1-3 Hours (repeatable max of 3 hrs)

Individual and intensive reading and research in a specific area of criminology in close cooperation with supervising faculty. Course pass required.

Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor

Restriction(s): Students with a semester level of Freshman or Sophomore may not enroll.

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

CRIM 499    Senior Seminar    1 Hour

This course integrates fundamental concepts, theories, research methods, and substantive subject areas learned during the study of criminology. This course serves as the capstone course for the criminology major.

Restriction(s): Students with a semester level of Freshman, Junior or Sophomore may not enroll.

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; fall 2022; spring 2023; fall 2023; spring 2024; fall 2024

Citizenship and Social Justice (CSJ)

CSJ 200    Introduction to Social Justice    3 Hours

An introductory study of theories, concepts and strategies of social justice, including individual action, policy, advocacy, and collective action. Colonnade/Statewide General Education Code E-SB | SB

Recent Term(s) Offered: fall 2022; spring 2023; fall 2023; spring 2024; summer 2024; fall 2024

CSJ 301    Seminar in Social Justice    1-3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)

An examination of current social problems or issues and a consideration of possible courses of action to address the problems or issues. Selected courses also may include direct action or organizing for direct action. Repeatable up to six hours.

Recent Term(s) Offered: summer 2022

CSJ 380    Our Future: Local and Global    3 Hours

An interdisciplinary examination of significant environmental, demographic, political, technological, and economic trends that will shape the world over the next several decades. Issues are examined on both a local and global scale. Note: Good standing in the Mauhrin Honors College, or 3.2 GPA, or permission of instructor required. Colonnade/Statewide General Education Code K-LG

Prerequisite(s): 21 hours of Foundations and Explorations Courses, or junior status

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

CSJ 435    Reimagining Citenship    3 Hours

An analysis of the contestations, inclusions and exclusions produced through multiple deployments of the concept, citizenship. Colonnade/Statewide General Education Code K-SC

Prerequisite(s): 21 hours of Foundations and Explorations Courses, or junior status

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

CSJ 499    Capstone in Citizenship & Social Justice    1-3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)

A capstone experience in which students engage in and reflect upon public work. Note: Permission of instructor may be required.

Prerequisite(s): (ICSR 200 or CSJ 200) and 21 hours of Foundations and Explorations Courses, or junior status

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; fall 2023

Folk Studies (FLK)

FLK 275    Supernatural Folklore    3 Hours

An investigation of traditional beliefs concerning unverifiable phenomena, including superstition, traditional healing, divination, and witchcraft. Current historical, philosophical, anthropological and folkloristic theories are covered. Colonnade/Statewide General Education Code E-AH | AH

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; summer 2022; fall 2022; spring 2023; fall 2023; spring 2024; fall 2024

FLK 276    Introduction to Folklore    3 Hours

An introduction to the study of folk tradition in different contexts, focusing on the concepts of folk group, cultural relativism, fieldwork, meaning and function, and the genres of folk narrative, folksong, folk custom and traditional material culture. Colonnade/Statewide General Education Code E-AH | AH

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; fall 2022; spring 2023; fall 2023; spring 2024; fall 2024

FLK 280    Cultural Diversity in the U S    3 Hours

Understanding, interpretation and appreciation of the multicultural nature of American society. Emphasis on the varieties of cultural expression, custom and world view practiced by regional, ethnic, racial and sectarian cultures. Colonnade/Statewide General Education Code K-SC

Prerequisite(s): 21 hours of Foundations and Explorations Courses, or junior status

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; fall 2022; spring 2023; fall 2023; spring 2024; fall 2024

FLK 281    Roots of Southern Culture    3 Hours

Examination of Southern folklore and folklife as part of the foundation of contemporary Southern culture.

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

FLK 310    Community Traditions & Global Corporate Culture    3 Hours

Multicultural study of community traditions and corporate culture in the global world.

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

FLK 330    Cultural Connections and Diversity    3 Hours

Service learning course that examines the diversity of American culture and engages students in activities to develop skills in working with a variety of cultural groups. Colonnade/Statewide General Education Code K-SC

Prerequisite(s): 21 hours of Foundations and Explorations Courses, or junior status

Recent Term(s) Offered: fall 2022

FLK 340    Peoples and Cultures of Latin America    3 Hours

Study of the history and development of present cultures in Latin America with emphasis on economics, politics, religion, folklife and world view of indigenous, peasant and urban peoples.

Equivalent(s): ANTH 340

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

FLK 341    People and Cultures of Asia    3 Hours

Study of the cultures of South, East, and Southeast Asia with emphasis on origins, prehistoric and historic migrations, ecology and subsistence patterns, and the origins and evolution of the major civilizations of India, China, Japan, and Vietnam. Topics include kinship and the family, religion, social organization, gender, economy, colonialism and independence, globalization and development, and maintenance of traditions in modern contexts.

Equivalent(s): ANTH 341

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

FLK 342    Peoples and Cultures of the Caribbean    3 Hours

Examination of the variety of cultural practices found in modern-day Caribbean societies with attention to historical roots. Topics include, but are not limited to, definition of the region, religious practices, festivals, musical traditions, migration and everyday social life and conditions. Colonnade/Statewide General Education Code K-SY

Prerequisite(s): 21 hours of Foundations and Explorations Courses, or junior status

Equivalent(s): ANTH 342

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; summer 2022; summer 2023; spring 2024; summer 2024

FLK 345    People and Cultures of Native North America    3 Hours

Survey of the cultures of the original peoples of North America, with emphasis on the ethnographic present.

Equivalent(s): ANTH 345

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

FLK 350    Peoples and Cultures of Africa    3 Hours

Survey of the cultures of Africa, with emphasis on historical development and contemporary cultural diversity.

Equivalent(s): ANTH 350, AFAM 350

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2023

FLK 371    Urban Folklore    3 Hours

Varieties and characteristics of urban American folklore with emphasis on legends, customs, beliefs, and other lore of today's regional, occupational, and ethnic groups.

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

FLK 373    Folklore and the Media    3 Hours

Variety and characteristics of folklore in the media including newspapers, television, magazines, comics, movies, photographs, cartoons, and advertisements. Colonnade/Statewide General Education Code K-LG

Prerequisite(s): 21 hours of Foundations and Explorations Courses, or junior status

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; fall 2022; spring 2023; fall 2023; spring 2024; fall 2024

FLK 377    African-American Folklore    3 Hours

Oral, written, and material folk traditions of African-Americans, with emphasis on the United States and the Caribbean.

Equivalent(s): AFAM 377

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; spring 2024

FLK 378    Southern Appalachian Folklife    3 Hours

Folklife of southern Appalachia, as reflected in the material folk culture, in traditional folk customs and practices, legends, anecdotes, songs, language, and literature.

Equivalent(s): ANTH 378

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

FLK 388    Foodways    3 Hours

Exploration of the relationship between food and culture. Colonnade/Statewide General Education Code K-LG

Prerequisite(s): 21 hours of Foundations and Explorations Courses, or junior status

Equivalent(s): ANTH 388

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; summer 2022; fall 2022; spring 2023; summer 2023; fall 2023; spring 2024; summer 2024; fall 2024

FLK 399    Field Methods in Ethnography    3 Hours

An examination of the history, theory, techniques, and ethics of ethnographic fieldwork, including practical fieldwork experience.

Equivalent(s): ANTH 399

Recent Term(s) Offered: fall 2022; fall 2023; fall 2024

FLK 400    Ethnomusicology    3 Hours

Survey of the concepts and methods of ethnomusicology. Topics include history of ethnomusicology, transcription and analysis, musicians, musical instruments, music acculturation, and the function of music in society.

Equivalent(s): ANTH 400

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

FLK 410    African-American Music    3 Hours

A survey of selected musical styles created and developed by African-Americans from the 17th to the 20th century: spirituals, blues, popular music forms (e.g. soul, reggae, rap music). Emphasis will be placed on the historical factors and socio-cultural trends that influenced the development of African-American music.

Equivalent(s): ANTH 410, AFAM 410

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

FLK 430    Oral History    3 Hours

Methods and theories of oral history, legal and ethical considerations, uses and planning of local oral history projects. This course requires off-campus travel.

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; fall 2023; fall 2024

FLK 434    Historic Preservation    3 Hours

An overview of historic preservation methods and practice. The course will include an overview of the historic preservation movement in the United States and an examination of preservation law and methodology. A field project is required.

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

FLK 445    American Architectural History    3 Hours

An interdisciplinary survey of American architectural history, including trends and styles, architect designed and manufactured structures and elements, and the social history of American architecture.

Equivalent(s): ART 445

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2023

FLK 462    Folklore and Medicine    3 Hours

This course examines the role of traditional culture in shaping attitudes and behavior related to sickness, health, and healing. Institutional, alternative, and informal medical settings are discussed.

Equivalent(s): PH 462

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

FLK 464    Vernacular Architecture    3 Hours

The forms, functions, and styles of buildings constructed according to custom from local materials to meet individual and cultural preferences.

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

FLK 470    Museum Procedures and Preservation Techniques    3 Hours

Essential aspects of museums and of preservation, i.e., collecting, preserving, researching, exhibiting, and interpreting material culture.

Equivalent(s): ANTH 470

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; spring 2024

FLK 477    Folk Arts and Technology    3 Hours

Folklife research in selected world culture groups, with emphasis on folk crafts, technology, and architecture in the United States prior to their absorption into industrialization. Special reference to northwest European antecedents, sources, and parallels.

Recent Term(s) Offered: fall 2022

FLK 478    Folklore and Literature    3 Hours

Readings in world literature from the Bible to the modern novel and examination of the degree to which oral literature has affected origins and development of written literature.

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

FLK 479    Directed Independent Research in Folklore    3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)

Supervised individual study directed by a member of the Folk Studies faculty. NOTE: course pass required.

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

FLK 480    Women’s Folklife    3 Hours

The various images and roles of women in the U.S. and selected world cultures as reflected in folklife materials such as narratives, beliefs, ballads, rhymes, games, customs, and folk arts.

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2024

FLK 485    Topics in Folklore    3 Hours (repeatable max of 9 hrs)

A consideration of special topics to acquaint students with significant problems and current issues in folklore. Content will vary from time to time according to the instructor and the needs of the students.

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

FLK 489    Internship in Folk Studies    3 Hours

Practical out-of-classroom experience in a supervised work situation with a cooperating business, industry, social or governmental agency emphasizing application of advanced knowledge and skills in folk studies. NOTE: course pass required.

Recent Term(s) Offered: summer 2023

Sociology (SOCL)

SOCL 100    Introductory Sociology    3 Hours

Introduction to the basic concepts of society and culture, group behavior, population, class, minorities, community, social institutions and social changes. Colonnade/Statewide General Education Code E-SB | SB

Recent Term(s) Offered: winter 2022; spring 2022; summer 2022; fall 2022; spring 2023; summer 2023; fall 2023; spring 2024; summer 2024; fall 2024

SOCL 199    College & Careers in Criminology & Sociology    1 Hour

An orientation to academic life within Criminology & Sociology at WKU, as well as career planning and preparation. Students are introduced to information and skills essential to success as a criminology or sociology major. Throughout the course, students develop their own career paths by employing job search strategies and refining artifacts such as a resume/cv, ePortfolio, and cover letter.

Equivalent(s): CRIM 199

Recent Term(s) Offered: fall 2023; spring 2024; fall 2024

SOCL 210    Interaction: Self in Society    3 Hours

Study of the individual in social context. Emphasis is on group, social, and cultural factors and their consequences for self-development, role perception, role performance and value orientation. Colonnade/Statewide General Education Code K-SC

Prerequisite(s): 21 hours of Foundations and Explorations Courses, or junior status

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; fall 2022; spring 2023; fall 2023; spring 2024

SOCL 220    Marriage and Family    3 Hours

Analysis of the family institution, its structure and function and the dynamics of social change in family interaction and organization. Note: Consent of instructor. Colonnade/Statewide General Education Code K-SC | SB

Prerequisite(s): 21 hours of Foundations and Explorations Courses, or junior status

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; summer 2022; fall 2022; spring 2023; fall 2023; spring 2024; fall 2024

SOCL 240    Global Social Problems    3 Hours

Examines causes of and responses to critical social problems in different world regions, with a focus on the dimensions and impacts of globalizations. Diverse social theories are applied to interpret problems such as environmental degradation, AIDS, family violence, racism, migration, international poverty, and crime. Colonnade/Statewide General Education Code K-LG

Prerequisite(s): 21 hours of Foundations and Explorations Courses, or junior status

Recent Term(s) Offered: winter 2022; spring 2022; summer 2022; fall 2022; winter 2023; spring 2023; summer 2023; fall 2023; spring 2024; fall 2024

SOCL 245    Sociology of Popular Culture    3 Hours

Investigation of various forms of popular culture, including television, film, music, fashion, sports, computers, and language from a sociological perspective.

Prerequisite(s): SOCL 100

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

SOCL 250    Systems of Social Inequality    3 Hours

In this course students will explore how social structures and systems produce inequalities, especially those related to race, gender, sex, sexuality, class, disability, and national identity. Students will learn: 1) about the historical roots of contemporary inequalities and how they produced systems of stratification, 2) the processes that sustain and reproduce these systems of inequalities over time, and 3) how to identify themselves and others within these systems of stratification and oppression in their everyday lives. Students will also learn about the work of contemporary and historical social movements which have defined and advocated alternative forms of social organization as a way to reduce the harm from these inequalities. While this course will focus on systems of oppression primarily within a U.S. context, students will explore how these inequalities connect to global systems of stratification.

Prerequisite(s): SOCL 100

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2024; summer 2024; fall 2024

SOCL 260    Race and Ethnic Relations    3 Hours

Designed to acquaint students with the historical and contemporary experiences of racial and ethnic groups in America. Explores social class and gender variations in the experiences of these various groups.

Prerequisite(s): SOCL 100

Recent Term(s) Offered: fall 2023; fall 2024

SOCL 300    Social Statistics    3 Hours

Introduction to statistical methods and techniques that are used to 1) summarize, describe, and analyze data, and 2) make inferences about populations based upon data collected from samples of populations.

Prerequisite(s): (MATH 109 or MA 109C or MATH 109E or MATH 112 or MATH 112E or MATH 115 or MA 115C or MATH 115E or MATH 116 or MA 116C or MATH 116E or MATH 117 or MATH 123 or MATH 123E or MATH 183)

Recent Term(s) Offered: winter 2022; spring 2022; summer 2022; fall 2022; winter 2023; spring 2023; summer 2023; fall 2023; spring 2024; summer 2024; fall 2024

SOCL 301    Social Statistics Lab    1 Hour

Students will use statistical analysis software to create datasets, calculate and interpret descriptive statistics, create visual presentations of data, calculate and interpret inferential statistics, and construct and interpret bivariate tables.

Prerequisite(s): MATH 109 or MA 109C or MATH 109E or MATH 112 or MATH 112E or MATH 115 or MA 115C or MATH 115E or MATH 116 or MA 116C or MATH 116E or MATH 117 or MATH 123 or MATH 123E or MATH 183

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2024; fall 2024

SOCL 302    Social Research Methods    3 Hours

Use of the scientific method as applied to societies, institutions, and social interaction. Development of research questions, research ethics, criteria for establishing causality, methods of research design, measurement, sampling techniques, and methods of data collection such as survey design. it is recommended that students take an introductory level social science class before enrolling in SOCL 302.

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; summer 2022; fall 2022; spring 2023; summer 2023; fall 2023; spring 2024; summer 2024; fall 2024

SOCL 304    Sociological Theory: Perspectives on Society    3 Hours

Prerequisite(s): Six hours of sociology. Study of the leading developments of schools of sociological theory from Durkheim to the present.

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; summer 2022; fall 2022; spring 2023; summer 2023; fall 2023; spring 2024; fall 2024

SOCL 309    Social Deviance    3 Hours

Introduction to the sociological study of deviance. Primary foci are classic writings in the field; stigmatization and stigma management (with an emphasis on criminal record stigma); methodological issues in the study of deviance; social control; drug use data sources, patterns, and trends; the social control of drug use; prostitution (sex work) and other non-index crimes.

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; summer 2022; fall 2022; spring 2023; summer 2023; fall 2023; winter 2024; spring 2024; summer 2024; fall 2024

SOCL 310    Behavior in Small Groups    3 Hours

The study of communication and interaction patterns within small groups, including analysis of power, status, cohesion, and leadership. Note: Six hours of sociology or consent of instructor required for course enrollment.

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

SOCL 312    Collective Behavior and Social Movements    3 Hours

Prerequisite(s): Six hours of sociology. Analysis of collective behavior and social movements, focusing on individual participation and social consequences.

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; spring 2024

SOCL 315    Public Problem Solving    3 Hours

Investigation of historical perspectives and theoretical dimensions of public problem solving with attention to the development of collective power, capacities, and responsibilities. Colonnade/Statewide General Education Code K-SY

Prerequisite(s): 21 hours of Foundations and Explorations Courses, or junior status

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2024

SOCL 322    Religion in Society    3 Hours

Study of the various forms and content of religious organizations and movements and the behavioral and attitudinal concomitants of religious affirmation. Note: Consent of instructor. Colonnade/Statewide General Education Code K-SY

Prerequisite(s): 21 hours of Foundations and Explorations Courses, or junior status and SOCL 100

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022

SOCL 324    Sociology of Sport    3 Hours

An examination of the sociological perspective of sport as an institution. Particular emphasis is placed on the impact of sport on the individual, small groups, other institutions, and society. Note: Consent of instructor.

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; summer 2022; fall 2022; spring 2023; summer 2023; fall 2023; spring 2024; summer 2024; fall 2024

SOCL 342    Aging in Society    3 Hours

An analysis of the elderly and their position in society. Attention is directed to aging as it relates to various social institutions and to the social aspects of aging in contemporary American society. Colonnade/Statewide General Education Code K-SY

Prerequisite(s): 21 hours of Foundations and Explorations Courses, or junior status

Recent Term(s) Offered: winter 2022; spring 2022; summer 2022; fall 2022; spring 2023; summer 2023; fall 2023; spring 2024; summer 2024; fall 2024

SOCL 345    The Sociology of Popular Music    3 Hours

A sociological examination of contemporary music. Focus is on the social organization of popular music performance, production and consumption. Note: Consent of instructor.

Prerequisite(s): SOCL 100

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

SOCL 346    Special Topics    3 Hours (repeatable max of 21 hrs)

Significant sociological topics, issues, or developments in the discipline of sociology.

Recent Term(s) Offered: fall 2024

SOCL 352    Technology, Work and Society    3 Hours

Analysis of technology's impact on work systems, relationships between work and society, and management-worker interaction in varied industrial settings. Note: Consent of instructor.

Prerequisite(s): SOCL 100

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

SOCL 355    Sociology of Gender    3 Hours

Examination of the social construction of women's and men's roles in society and of the concepts of masculinity and femininity. Note: Consent of instructor.

Prerequisite(s): SOCL 100

Recent Term(s) Offered: fall 2022; fall 2023

SOCL 359    Sexuality and Society    3 Hours

Sociological examination of issues, debates, and research on pornography, prostitution, sexual orientation, and sex and the law.

Recent Term(s) Offered: fall 2022; spring 2023; fall 2023; spring 2024; summer 2024; fall 2024

SOCL 360    The Community in Rural and Urban Settings    3 Hours

Study of the structure and function of community life and the process of balancing community needs and resources. Note: Six hours of sociology courses required prior to course enrollment.

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; summer 2022; fall 2022; spring 2023; summer 2023; fall 2023

SOCL 362    Social Institutions: Race, Class, and Gender    3 Hours

The five primary institutions (family, religion, economy, education government) as they affect and are affected by race, class, and gender in America. Explores interrelationships among those institutions and between various racial and other groups. Note: Consent of instructor. Colonnade/Statewide General Education Code K-SY

Prerequisite(s): SOCL 100 and 21 hours of Foundations and Explorations Courses, or junior status

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; summer 2022; fall 2022; spring 2023

SOCL 363    Population, Society, and Development    3 Hours

Course examines population as a system, focusing on the causes and consequences of population size, growth or decline, composition, and distribution in the United States and other countries with an eye toward development. Emphasis is placed on the interrelationship of system components (fertility, mortality and migration) as well as their relationship with other systems (e.g., social, economic, political, ecological). Colonnade/Statewide General Education Code K-SY

Prerequisite(s): 21 hours of Foundations and Explorations Courses, or junior status

Recent Term(s) Offered: fall 2022

SOCL 372    Causes and Consequences of Human-Wildlife Conflict    3 Hours

Global study of human-wildlife conflict and the varying ecological, social, economic, and cultural realities that influence this conflict. Colonnade/Statewide General Education Code K-LG

Prerequisite(s): 21 hours of Foundations and Explorations Courses, or junior status

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; spring 2024

SOCL 375    Diversity in American Society    3 Hours

Sociological analyses of ways societal institutions create and shape intergroup diversity. Focuses on the elements of social organization and their relationships to diversity. Note: Consent of instructor. Colonnade/Statewide General Education Code K-SC

Prerequisite(s): SOCL 100 and 21 hours of Foundations and Explorations Courses, or junior status

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; summer 2022; fall 2022; spring 2023; spring 2024

SOCL 376    Sociology of Globalization    3 Hours

Sociological analysis of causes, effects, and implications of the process by which people become more interconnected in different ways and across large distances. Within this framework, economic, cultural, environmental, political, and social issues will be examined. Colonnade/Statewide General Education Code K-LG

Prerequisite(s): 21 hours of Foundations and Explorations Courses, or junior status

Recent Term(s) Offered: fall 2022; fall 2023

SOCL 389    Stigma and Society    3 Hours

Sociological examination of the conceptualization, types, consequences, and management of stigma. Course will cover associative stigma, stigma resistance, and reintegration. Colonnade/Statewide General Education Code K-SC

Prerequisite(s): 21 hours of Foundations and Explorations Courses, or junior status

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

SOCL 402    Evaluation Research Tech    3 Hours

Study of the methods, techniques, and philosophical approaches used in conducting research to identify and evaluate social problems, programs, and policies.

Prerequisite(s): (SOCL 300 or SOCL 302 or SOCL 315)

Restriction(s): Students with a semester level of Academy Junior, Academy Senior, Freshman or Sophomore may not enroll.

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

SOCL 404    Qualitative Research Methods    3 Hours

Study of the methods and techniques used in qualitative sociological research. Topics include observational research, in-depth interviewing and discourse analysis.

Prerequisite(s): SOCL 100

Restriction(s): Students with a semester level of Academy Junior, Academy Senior, Freshman or Sophomore may not enroll.

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

SOCL 408    Survey Applications    3 Hours

Students will be involved in the design, conduct, analysis, and dissemination of an actual social survey research project. Note: Course pass and consent of instructor required.

Prerequisite(s): SOCL 300 and SOCL 302

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

SOCL 410    Socialization: Changes Through Life    3 Hours

Study of theories and research techniques in the area of socialization with summary of the findings dealing with changes over the life course.

Prerequisite(s): SOCL 100

Restriction(s): Students with a semester level of Academy Junior, Academy Senior, Freshman or Sophomore may not enroll.

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

SOCL 435    Family Violence    3 Hours

A sociological perspective on family violence in the United States, emphasizing child abuse and intimate partner violence. Research, theory, laws, treatment and prevention are analyzed.

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; summer 2022; fall 2022; spring 2023; summer 2023; fall 2023; spring 2024; summer 2024; fall 2024

SOCL 440    Sociology of Health and Illness    3 Hours

A comprehensive introduction to sociological factors in disease etiology and illness behavior; the organization and operation of health delivery systems; and the social interaction between organization administrators, health professionals and semi-professionals, patients, and the public.

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

SOCL 442    Sociology Research Project    3 Hours

Course pass required.

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; fall 2022

SOCL 450    Occupations and Professions    3 Hours

Analysis of the meaning of trends in occupational activities and careers through investigation of various occupations and professions. Note: Consent of instructor.

Prerequisite(s): SOCL 100

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

SOCL 452    Social Change    3 Hours

Examination of the nature and theories of social change and of the factors affecting it. Emphasis on the process of modernization and contemporary social changes. Note: Nine hours of sociology or consent of instructor required prior to course enrollment.

Recent Term(s) Offered: fall 2022

SOCL 455    Theory and Practice of Community Development    3 Hours

Course explores the ecological, interactional, structural functional, technical assistance, action research, evaluation research and leadership approaches to community development practice. Course requires participation in a community development project. Note: Consent of instructor.

Prerequisite(s): SOCL 100

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

SOCL 466    Gender, Family, and Society    3 Hours

Examination of gender dynamics and inequality in the context of the family. Issues examined may include mate selection, parenting, same-sex families and parenting, gendered divisions of work, gendered family dynamics by social class and race/ethnicity, costs, for example.

Prerequisite(s): SOCL 100

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

SOCL 470    Environmental Sociology    3 Hours

Explores environmental thought within the sciences and the general public, including shifting worldviews, social movements, and social structural change associated with sustainability, environmental justice, and the rights of nature. Students are responsible for arranging their own transportation for optional field trips. Note: 3 credit hours in sociology or consent of instructor required prior to enrollment.

Prerequisite(s): ENG 300

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

SOCL 480    Sociology of Agri-Food Systems    3 Hours

Course examines the social organization and dynamics of food and agricultural systems. SOCL 270 is strongly recommended, but not required. Field trips are required. Note: Consent of instructor.

Prerequisite(s): SOCL 100

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

SOCL 489    Sociology Study Abroad    1-6 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)

Sociological and cultural study in international locations. May be repeated for credit. No more than six hours may be applied toward the major or minor.

Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor

Recent Term(s) Offered: winter 2024; summer 2024

SOCL 494    Internship in Sociology    1-6 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)

Internships are unique experiential learning opportunities. Once placed with a community partner, the student works toward an enhanced understanding of prior coursework through practical experience in a supervised work situation. Note: Course pass and 80 hours of completed college coursework required.

Prerequisite(s): (SOCL 300 or SOCL 302)

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; summer 2022; fall 2022; spring 2023; fall 2023; spring 2024; fall 2024

SOCL 495    Directed Study    1-3 Hours (repeatable max of 3 hrs)

Course pass required. Available to superior students who wish to conduct individual, intensive reading and research in a specific area of sociology in close cooperation with supervising faculty. Submission of such projects to student sections of regional professional meetings is encouraged.

Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor

Restriction(s): Students with a semester level of Academy Junior, Academy Senior, Freshman or Sophomore may not enroll.

Recent Term(s) Offered: fall 2022; spring 2023; spring 2024

SOCL 496    Directed Study    1-3 Hours (repeatable max of 3 hrs)

Course pass required. Available to superior students who wish to conduct individual, intensive reading and research in a specific area of sociology in close cooperation with supervising faculty. Submission of such projects to student sections of regional professional meetings is encouraged.

Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor

Restriction(s): Students with a semester level of Academy Junior, Academy Senior, Freshman or Sophomore may not enroll.

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

SOCL 499    Senior Seminar    1 Hour

Integrates concepts, theories, research methods, and data analysis techniques learned during study of sociology.

Prerequisite(s): (SOCL 100 or SOC 100C) and SOCL 300 (may be taken concurrently) and SOCL 302 (may be taken concurrently) and SOCL 304 (may be taken concurrently)

Restriction(s): Students with a semester level of Academy Junior, Academy Senior, Freshman, Junior or Sophomore may not enroll.

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; fall 2022; spring 2023; fall 2023; spring 2024; fall 2024