Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025

Criminology, Bachelor of Arts (627)

Program Coordinator

James W. Kanan, james.kanan@wku.edu, (270) 745-2404

Department Email: criminology@wku.edu

As a scientific discipline, Criminology emerged from the field of Sociology. Core sociological concepts inform explanations of crime and society’s response to it. WKU’s Bachelor’s program in Criminology provides students with the opportunity to understand the theoretical principles which guide practical solutions to issues associated with offending, victimization, and interactions with the Criminal Justice System. Compared with traditional criminal justice programs, Criminology has a strong interdisciplinary focus. Our program continues this tradition by studying crime through a societal lens as we examine theoretical explanations, policy developments, and the broader implications of solutions on the health and well-being of communities and society.

Program Requirements (35 hours)

A baccalaureate degree requires a minimum of 120 unduplicated semester hours. More information can be found at www.wku.edu/registrar/degree_certification.php.

Students who began WKU in the Fall 2014 and thereafter should review the Colonnade requirements located at: https://www.wku.edu/colonnade/colonnaderequirements.php.

The major in criminology requires a minimum of 35 credit hours and leads to a Bachelor of Arts degree. Students majoring in criminology must select a minor, certificate, or second major. 

Core Courses17
A grade of C or better is required in CRIM 330, SOCL 300, and SOCL 302.
Introduction to Criminal Justice
College & Careers in Criminology & Sociology
College & Careers in Criminology & Sociology
Social Statistics
Social Statistics Lab
Social Research Methods
Social Deviance
Restricted Electives: Correlates of Crime3
Select at least one of the following courses:
Juvenile Delinquency
Race, Class, and Crime
Gender, Crime, and Justice
Restricted Electives: Systems of Social Control3
Select at least one of the following courses
Criminal Courts and Sentencing
Issues in Policing
Punishment and Society
Comparative Systems of Juvenile Justice
Sociology of Criminal Law
Criminal Justice Procedures
Unrestricted Electives12
Select four from the following:
Forensic Anthropology
Introduction to Forensic Chemistry
Forensic Chemistry
Introduction to Crime Mapping
Introduction to Law Enforcement
Alternatives to Confinement
Crime and Popular Culture
Victimology & Victim Advocacy
Juvenile Delinquency
Criminal Courts and Sentencing
Special Topics in Criminology
Issues in Policing
Race, Class, and Crime
Punishment and Society
Comparative Systems of Juvenile Justice
Organized Crime
Sociology of Criminal Law
The Death Penalty in America
Internship in Criminology
Police Interrogations and False Confessions
Gender, Crime, and Justice
Life-Course Criminology
International Justice and Crime
White-Collar Crime
Homicide and Serial Homicide
Criminology Study Abroad
Directed Study in Criminology
Directed Study in Criminology
American Legal History to 1865
American Legal History Since 1865
Drug Abuse
Drug Abuse Education
Illicit Drug Policy in the Us
Introduction to Law
Why Are Bad People Bad?
Judicial Process
Constitutional Law
Criminal Justice Procedures
Political Terrorism
Abnormal Psychology
Psychological Aspects of Alcoholism
Psychology and Law
Sexuality and Society
Stigma and Society
Family Violence
Services for Juvenile Offenders and Their Families
Philosophy of Law
Experiential Learning in Criminology
Public Problem Solving
Total Hours35

Finish in Four Plan

First Year
ENG 1003ENG 2003
CRIM 1013CRIM 3303
MATH 183 (Or other Colonnade Math)3Colonnade: Natural & Physical Science with Lab3
Colonnade: Arts & Humanities3Unrestricted CRIM Elective3
General Elective (prefer SOCL 100 or CSJ 200)3General Elective3
CRIM 199 or SOCL 1991 
 16 15
Second Year
SOCL 3023SOCL 3003
COMM 1453SOCL 3011
CRIM Restricted Elective: Correlates of Crime or Systems of Social Control3CRIM Restricted Elective: Correlates of Crime or Systems of Social Control3
HIST 101 or HIST 1023Colonnade Connections course3
Colonnade: Natural & Physical Science32nd Major/Minor Course3
 General Elective3
 15 16
Third Year
ENG 3003General Elective3
SOCL 3093Colonnade: Connections3
Colonnade: Connections32nd Major/Minor Course3
2nd Major/Minor Course32nd Major/Minor Course3
2nd Major/Minor Course3Unrestricted CRIM Elective3
 15 15
Fourth Year
Unrestricted CRIM Elective-- recommend CRIM 4393Unrestricted CRIM Elective-- Recommend CRIM 4393
2nd Major/Minor Course32nd Major/Minor course3
2nd Major/Minor Course3General Elective3
General Elective3General Elective3
General Elective3General Elective3
 15 15
Total Hours 122