Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025

Organizational Leadership, Minor (431)

Program Coordinator

Tanja N. Bibbs, bibbstn@wku.edu, (270) 745-5305

Program Requirements (18 hours)

The minor in Organizational Leadership requires 18 semester hours and is applicable to any undergraduate student desiring a minor. Students must earn a grade of "C" or above in the following courses required for this minor:

LEAD 200Introduction to Leadership Studies3
or LEAD 300 Leadership Theory and Application
LEAD 325Leading Change3
LEAD 330Leadership Ethics and Decision-Making3
LEAD 395Contemporary Leadership Issues3
Choose 6 hours of courses from the following course options:6
Practicum in Leadership
Leading Teams
Leadership in Global Contexts
Leadership Coaching
Total Hours18

Students earning a minor in Organizational Leadership are ineligible for the certificate in Organizational Leadership.