Graduate Catalog 2024-2025

Department of Economics

Dr. David Zimmer, Interim Chair

Dr. Christopher Biolsi, Interim Graduate Program Director

Grise Hall 431
(270) 745-2249



Alexander G. Lebedinsky PhD (Economics), Georgetown University, 2004

Dennis P. Wilson PhD (Economics), University of Kentucky, 1999

David M. Zimmer PhD (Economics), Indiana University-Bloomington, 2004

Associate Professor

Christopher J. Biolsi PhD (Economics), University of Houston, 2015

Jacob P. Byl PhD (Law and Economics), Vanderbilt University, 2015

Juan S. Leguizamon PhD (Economics), West Virginia University, 2011

Susane Leguizamon PhD (Economics), West Virginia University, 2010

Stephen L. Locke PhD (Economics), University of Kentucky, 2013

Assistant Professor

Golnaz Baradaran Motie PhD (Business & Economics), West Virginia University, 2018

Katlyn C. Hettinger PhD (Economics), Michigan State University, 2023

Zhixian Lin PhD (Economics), University of California-Davis, 2020

Economics Courses

ECON 400G    Issues in Capital Market Economics    3 Hours

Exposure to current economic theory and evidence related to capital markets with emphasis on public policy, the interplay with the macroeconomy, stock price variability, internationalization, and other related topics.

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; fall 2023; fall 2024

ECON 410G    Seminar in Economics    1-3 Hours (repeatable max of 9 hrs)

Special topics in economics of current interest.

Recent Term(s) Offered: fall 2022

ECON 420G    Public Sector Economics    3 Hours

A study of the economics of public policies. The course will use economic tools to analyze the effects of policies, understand their complexities, and predict unintended consequences. Topics include public education, welfare reform, pollution, healthcare, and tax policy.

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; spring 2023; spring 2024

ECON 430G    Environmental and Resource Economics    3 Hours

Study of environmental issues and natural resource problems and solutions. Topics include measurements of environmental benefits, property rights, externalities, environmental quality, pollution control, and solid waste management.

Recent Term(s) Offered: fall 2022; fall 2024

ECON 434G    The Economics of Poverty and Discrimination    3 Hours

Study of the economic nature, origins, and public policy aimed at addressing poverty and discrimination in the economy. Topics include social security, food stamps, and equal employment opportunity.

Recent Term(s) Offered: fall 2022; spring 2024

ECON 440G    American Industry: Structure, Performance and Policy    3 Hours

Applications of microeconomics to the structure, behavior, and performance of American industry in view of public and private social goals. Coverage includes public policy toward monopoly.

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

ECON 445G    Economics of Healthcare    3 Hours

Health economics studies the unique role that healthcare systems play in the broader area of microeconomics.

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2023; spring 2024

ECON 451G    Games and Strategy    3 Hours

This course is an introduction to game theory analysis. Students will develop the theoretical tools to analyze incentives and strategic behavior in individual and group decision making. Emphasis will be placed on real-world applications and include, but is not limited to, bargaining under perfect and imperfect information, Nash equilibrium, pricing under Oligopoly and auction theory.

Prerequisite(s): ECON 202 with a minimum grade of C and ECON 203 with a minimum grade of C and ECON 206 with a minimum grade of C

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2023

ECON 464G    Introduction to Mathematical Economics    3 Hours

The application of mathematics to economic analysis covering functions, optimization techniques, differential and difference matrix algebra, and game theory.

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022

ECON 465G    Regression and Econometric Analysis    3 Hours

Presents the use of statistical methods in measuring and testing economic relationships. Emphasizes the use of ordinary least squares in estimating single equation models. Topics included are dummy variables, lagged variables, and classic regression problems.

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; fall 2022; spring 2023; fall 2023; spring 2024; fall 2024

ECON 491G    History of Economic Thought    3 Hours

The origin and development of economic thought with emphasis on the contribution of political economy to the behavioral sciences.

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

ECON 496G    International Monetary Economics    3 Hours

A systematic analysis of monetary aspects of international trade and finance.

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2023

ECON 501    Survey of Economic Theory    3 Hours

An overview of basic concepts in micro and macroeconomics. Topics include price and output decisions, cost concepts, aggregate income, the price level, and related areas.

Equivalent(s): BA 501

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

ECON 502    Applied Micro Economic Theory    3 Hours

Fundamental concepts of firm analysis, public policy, and individual decisions. Critical thinking applied to topics like supply and demand, revenue and costs, pricing, and information and uncertainty.

Equivalent(s): BA 511

Recent Term(s) Offered: fall 2022; fall 2023; fall 2024

ECON 503    Applied Macroeconomic Theory    3 Hours

Fundamental concepts dealing aggregate economic activity in the U.S. Topics include measurement, consumption, saving and investment, long term growth, business cycles, monetary and fiscal policy, and basic forecasting ideas.

Recent Term(s) Offered: fall 2022; fall 2023; fall 2024

ECON 505    Economics for Teachers    3 Hours

Basic concepts and topics dealing with the functioning of a market oriented economic system and the U.S. economy.

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

ECON 506    Applied Statistical Methods    3 Hours

Introduction to applied statistics for decision making and research including analysis of variance, process control, experimental design, regression, and forecasting, as well as useful software and data sources.

Equivalent(s): BA 540

Recent Term(s) Offered: fall 2022; fall 2023; fall 2024

ECON 507    Data Methods in Economics    3 Hours

Students will learn how to import/export data in variety formats into SAS and other statistical software, use real-time data from the internet, automate data import/export tasks, create summary reports from data with publication-quality graphics, construct data queries from multiple data sources using multiple conditions, create interactive digital graphs. Students will study application of econometric techniques in variety of environments.

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; spring 2023; spring 2024

ECON 530    Economic Policy    3 Hours

Survey course designed to study the moral, social, and economic effects of current and changing government policies regarding the operation of markets.

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

ECON 567    American Economic History    3 Hours

Uses economic science to analyze historical events. Examine the role of both government and private institutions in shaping the path of economic growth. The course explores how innovations like those in transportation and technology affected how nations developed, and how different policies affected economic growth. Will span events from the days of American Revolution to more recent events such as the Great Depression of 1930s and the Great Recession of 2000s.

Prerequisite(s): ECON 465 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C or ECON 465G (may be taken concurrently)

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

ECON 571    Public Policy Economics    3 Hours

Application of economic concepts and methods to the study of public policy. Topics include externalities, regulation, cost-benefit analysis, political markets, and macroeconomic influences on voting.

Prerequisite(s): ECON 502 and ECON 506

Equivalent(s): BA 571

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

ECON 585    Topics in Macroeconomics    3 Hours

Discussion of current areas of research in macroeconomic/monetary fields. Specific content will vary by semester and instructor.

Prerequisite(s): (ECON 503 or equivalent) and (ECON 506 or equivalent)

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

ECON 594    Forecasting    3 Hours

Methods of forecasting changes in the U.S. economy and other economic units. Emphasis on application and evaluation of different techniques.

Prerequisite(s): ECON 506 or BA 540

Equivalent(s): BA 543

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; spring 2023; spring 2024

ECON 595    Labor and Human Resource Economics    3 Hours

Study of static and dynamic models of labor demand, supply, and human capital investment.

Equivalent(s): BA 544

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

ECON 596    Applied Economics Project    3,6 Hours

An end of program course in which students select a topic, apply appropriate economic literature, concepts, and methods and report their findings in writing and in an oral presentation. Note: Completion of at least 24 program hours required.

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students in Applied Economics (0410)

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; summer 2022; fall 2022; spring 2023; spring 2024; fall 2024

ECON 597    Practicum in Economics    3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)

A directed, supervised practicum or internship with a business or government agency utilizing the skills developed in the program.

Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

ECON 598    Independent Study Economics    3 Hours (repeatable max of 9 hrs)

Selected topics in economics.

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2023

ECON 599    Thesis Research/Writing    1-6 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)

Thesis research and writing directed by faculty committee.

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

ECON 600    Maintaining Matriculation    1-6 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)

Continued enrollment for thesis completion.

Recent Term(s) Offered: summer 2022; fall 2022; summer 2023