Graduate Catalog 2024-2025

OCSE Interdisciplinary Programs

Brewing and Distilling Arts and Sciences Courses

BDAS 500    The Science of Fermentation in Brewing and Distilling    3 Hours

Introduction to the basic scientific principles that govern the fermentation process, with particular application to brewing and distilling.

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

BDAS 595    Brewing/Distilling Internship    3-6 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)

On-site experience in a brewery or distillery, conducted under the supervision of the program coordinator and local personnel. Experience could include, but is not limited to, brewing, distilling, marketing, management, or other industry-related work.

Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

Emergency Management Disaster Science Courses

EMDS 500    Emergency Management Policy and Practices    3 Hours

Provides an in-depth look at the history of disaster response and emergency management both within the U.S. and globally. The student will develop a thorough working knowledge of The Incident Command System, including application for small to large incidents, integration of command across local, state, federal and international response agencies.

Recent Term(s) Offered: winter 2022; fall 2022; winter 2023; fall 2023; spring 2024; fall 2024

EMDS 501    Understanding Natural and Technological Disaster Risks    3 Hours

Explores the technical aspects of natural and technological hazards through the lens of knowledge leaders across the applicable science and engineering disciplines. Students will gain essential skills required to gather and accurately interpret relevant data regarding potential impacts of various disaster types on the populous and critical infrastructure.

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; fall 2022; spring 2023; fall 2023; spring 2024; fall 2024

EMDS 502    Terrorism, Violence, Resiliency, and Response    3 Hours

Explores the complex and dynamic issues around acts of terror and extreme violence, and their impact on organizations and society as a whole. In addition, specific challenges relative to the application of incident management structures to these unique events will be discussed.

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; fall 2022; spring 2023; fall 2023; spring 2024; fall 2024

EMDS 503    Advanced Disaster Planning, Management, and Preparedness    3 Hours

Course focuses on the application of key concepts of emergency management disaster science in plan development, training, and emergency exercise practices.

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; spring 2023; spring 2024

EMDS 504    Trends in Disaster Preparedness and Management    3 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)

Guided discussions with emergency management professionals focused on individual and group research into the dynamic elements that comprise emergency management in today’s world.

Recent Term(s) Offered: summer 2022; summer 2023; summer 2024

EMDS 505    Continuity of Operations Programs    3 Hours

Guides students through an in-depth exploration of the requirements, concepts, and benefits of continuity of operations planning (COOP). This planning process is applicable to operations at all levels of government, business, industry, education, etc. Topics include vulnerability / threat assessment, planning steps, plan scope, formats, and validation and testing.

Recent Term(s) Offered: fall 2022

EMDS 506    Critical Infrastructure Assessment and Protection    3 Hours

Reviews various categories of critical infrastructure including transportation routes and assets, vital buildings, places of assembly, and high value terror targets. Focus on identification and assessment of vulnerabilities and potential impacts on human life, commerce and governance, property and the environment. In addition to evaluation of protective measures and mitigation strategies that offer the best protection options.

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2023

EMDS 510    Incident Meteorology for Safety Professionals    3 Hours

Weather plays a critical role during the planning stages of any event (schools, athletics, concerts, hospitals, transportation, infrastructure, gatherings), which can alter costs, affect safety, and potentially drive the overall success. Students will develop an understanding of common weather data (radar and observations), the forecast process, and the various supporting roles meteorologists serve. Students will also learn communication strategies and the operations workflow from governing agencies to the end user.

Recent Term(s) Offered: summer 2022; summer 2023