Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025

Interior Design and Fashion Merchandising, Bachelor of Science (531)

Department website: http://www.wku.edu/ahs

Program Coordinator

Sheila S. Flener, sheila.flener@wku.edu, (270) 745-4105

The major in Interior Design and Fashion Merchandising (reference number 531) requires a minimum of 78-81 semester hours and leads to a Bachelor of Science degree.


  • Interior Design (CINT)
  • Fashion Merchandising (CFAS)

Program Requirements (78-81 hours)

A baccalaureate degree requires a minimum of 120 unduplicated semester hours. More information can be found at www.wku.edu/registrar/degree_certification.php.

Students who began WKU in the Fall 2014 and thereafter should review the Colonnade requirements located at: https://www.wku.edu/colonnade/colonnaderequirements.php.

The major in Interior Design and Fashion Merchandising (reference number 531) requires a minimum of 78-81 semester hours and leads to a Bachelor of Science degree. The program offers two concentrations: Fashion Merchandising (78 hours) and Interior Design (81 hours). Course work in the major is sequential and most classes are taught once a year. Students seeking the Interior Design major need to plan for four years (8 Semesters) to complete the studio sequence of course work. Common core courses for both concentrations include: IDFM 120, IDFM 221, IDFM 222, IDFM 223 IDFM 321, IDFM 410, IDFM 421, IDFM 427, MKT 220, and MKT 331. A grade of “C” or above must be earned in the required major/support courses. No minor or second major is required.

Fashion Merchandising Concentration

IDFM 120Visual Design I3
IDFM 131Basic Apparel Construction3
IDFM 132Perspectives of Dress3
IDFM 221Visual Design II3
IDFM 222CAD in Human Environment3
IDFM 223Textiles3
IDFM 231Textile and Apparel Quality Analysis3
IDFM 321Professional Ethics & Issues Seminar3
IDFM 226Fashion Illustration3
IDFM 310Pattern Making and Draping3
IDFM 322Merchandising I for IDFM3
IDFM 332History of 20th Century Fashion3
IDFM 333Fashion Fundamentals3
IDFM 335Apparel Design Production3
IDFM 410IDFM Internship3
IDFM 421Portfolio Design3
IDFM 427Visual Design III3
IDFM 431Clothing and Human Behavior3
IDFM 432Visual Merchandising and Promotion3
IDFM 433Fashion Synthesis3
IDFM 436Global Apparel Merchandising3
IDFM 438Merchandising II for IDFM3
MGT 210Organization and Management3
MKT 220Basic Marketing Concepts3
MKT 331Social Media Marketing3
Select 3 hours of electives selected with the advisor from the following:3
Human Environment Study Tour
History of Costume
Digital Design Tools
Practicum in Interior Design Fashion Merchandising
Historic Textiles
Design Market Trends
Consumer Behavior
Personal Selling
Business-To-Business Marketing
Supply Chain Management
Sales Force Management
Entrepreneurial Marketing
Advertising in a Digital World
Interpersonal Communication
Organizational Communication
Intercultural Communication
Total Hours78

Interior Design Concentration

IDFM 101Foundations of Interior Design1
IDFM 120Visual Design I3
IDFM 151Survey of Architecture and Interiors I3
IDFM 152Survey of Architecture and Interiors II3
IDFM 201Interior Design Studio I4
IDFM 221Visual Design II3
IDFM 222CAD in Human Environment3
IDFM 223Textiles3
IDFM 243Materials and Finishes for Interior Design3
IDFM 300Interior Design Studio II4
IDFM 301Interior Design Studio III4
IDFM 302Interior Design Studio IV4
IDFM 304Lighting and Environmental Controls3
IDFM 321Professional Ethics & Issues Seminar3
IDFM 344Digital Rendering for Interiors3
IDFM 401Interior Design Studio V4
IDFM 402Senior Design Thesis4
IDFM 403Business Principles and Practices for Interior Design2
IDFM 410IDFM Internship3
IDFM 421Portfolio Design3
IDFM 427Visual Design III3
MKT 220Basic Marketing Concepts3
MKT 331Social Media Marketing3
ART 105History of Art to 13003
or ART 106 History of Art Since 1300
Select 6-elective-hours with the advisor from the following:6
Design and the Human Lifecycle
Practicum in Interior Design Fashion Merchandising
Kitchen & Bath Design Studio
Special Problems in Interior Design
Human Environment Study Tour
Environmental Product Design and Development
Restoration of Historic Interiors
Interior Illustration
Design Humanics
Floral Design
Advanced Floral Design
Quality and Service Management in the Hospitality Industry
Personal Selling
Fundamentals of Photography
Business Writing
The Psychology of Sales Behavior
Total Hours81

Finish in Four Plans

Fashion Merchandising Concentration

First Year
ENG 1003IDFM 1323 
IDFM 1203COMM 1453 
MATH 109 or MATH 1163HIST 101 or HIST 1023 
IDFM 1313ENG 2003 
Major/Minor/Elective or World Language3PSY 100 or PSYS 1003 
 15 15 
Second Year
IDFM 2223IDFM 2213 
IDFM 2233IDFM 2313 
ENG 3003IDFM Elective3 
Colonnade - Natural & Physical Sciences w/ no lab3Colonnade - Natural & Physical Science w/ lab3 
IDFM 2263Colonnade - Local to Global3 
 15 15 
Third Year
IDFM 4313MKT 2203IDFM 4103
IDFM 3353IDFM 3213 
IDFM 3223MKT 3313 
IDFM 3323IDFM 3103 
IDFM 3333Colonnade - Systems3 
 15 15 3
Fourth Year
IDFM 4213IDFM 4273 
IDFM 4383IDFM 4323 
IDFM 4363IDFM 4333 
MGT 2103IDFM Elective3 
 12 15 
Total Hours 120

Interior Design Concentration

First Year
ENG 1003IDFM 1523 
IDFM 1203COMM 1453 
MATH 109 or MATH 1163IDFM 2213 
IDFM 1513IDFM 1011 
ART 105 or ART 1063ENG 2003 
 15 13 
Second Year
IDFM 2014IDFM 3004 
IDFM 2433IDFM 3443 
IDFM 2233HIST 101 or HIST 1023 
IDFM 2223Colonnade - Social & Cultural3 
MKT 2203 
 13 16 
Third Year
IDFM 3014IDFM 3024IDFM 4103
IDFM 3043IDFM 3213 
IDFM 4273IDFM major elective 3 
Colonnade-Natural & Physical Science w/ lab3Colonnade- Natural & Physical Science w/ no lab3 
Colonnade - Local to Global3Colonnade-Social & Behavioral Sciences3 
 16 16 3
Fourth Year
IDFM 4014IDFM 4024 
IDFM 4213ENG 3003 
MKT 3313IDFM 4032 
IDFM Major Elective3Colonnade - Systems3 
 16 12 
Total Hours 120