Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025

Computer Information Technology, Bachelor of Science (555)

Department website: http://www.wku.edu/cit

Program Coordinator

Yaser A. Mowafi, yaser.mowafi@wku.edu, (270) 745-3415

Computer Information Technology (CIT) is an integral part of modern life and business. Careers in the CIT field frequently exceed median pay and future job outlook growth. The CIT program at WKU can help prepare students for many rewarding careers, including:

  • Computer Network Architect
  • Computer Programmer
  • Computer Support Specialist
  • Database Administrator
  • Information Security Analyst
  • Network and Computer Systems Administrator
  • Software Developer
  • Web Developer

Program Requirements (48 hours)

A baccalaureate degree requires a minimum of 120 unduplicated semester hours. More information can be found at www.wku.edu/registrar/degree_certification.php.

Students who began WKU in the Fall 2014 and thereafter should review the Colonnade requirements located at: https://www.wku.edu/colonnade/colonnaderequirements.php.

The CIT online degree requires 120 credit hours and leads to a Bachelor of Science degree. No minor or second major is required. Enrollment in the CIT program is limited and based on student qualifications. All courses in the major must be completed with a grade of “C” or better. The program requires 30-48 hours of upper-division CIT coursework, depending on transfer credits. All courses should be selected consistent with WKU’s degree requirements including:

  • 30 hours minimum must be earned at WKU (typically satisfied by CIT course requirements below)
  • 42 hours must be in upper-division credit (30 hours for students that transfer with an Associate of Applied Science degree in computer technology or related major, also satisfied by CIT course requirements below)
  • 120 hours minimum overall
  • Colonnade Program Requirements
  • MATH 116 or higher

For transfer students (with an Associate of Applied Science degree or equivalent in computer technology or related major), 30 hours of CIT coursework is required. These include:

Core Courses:
CIT 300Computer Information Technology Foundations3
CIT 302Web Development3
CIT 352Database Administration II3
CIT 372Telecommunications II3
Select five courses from 400-level CIT courses and/or from the following (only one course may have the MFGE prefix):15
Manufacturing Operations
Supervised Work Experience in Industry
Project Management
Lean Systems
Introduction to Supply Chain Management
Technology Management / Supervision / Team Building
Selected Topics in Industry
Capstone course:
CIT 490Senior Research3
Total Hours30

For non-transfer students, 48 hours of CIT coursework is required. These include:

Foundation Courses
CIT 300Computer Information Technology Foundations3
CIT 302Web Development3
CIT 310Systems Architecture I3
CIT 312Systems Architecture II3
CIT 330Systems Development I3
CIT 332Systems Development II3
CIT 350Database Administration I3
CIT 352Database Administration II3
CIT 370Telecommunications I3
CIT 372Telecommunications II3
Select five courses from 400-level CIT courses and/or from the following (only one course may have the MFGE prefix):15
Manufacturing Operations
Supervised Work Experience in Industry
Project Management
Lean Systems
Introduction to Supply Chain Management
Technology Management / Supervision / Team Building
Selected Topics in Industry
Capstone Course:
CIT 490Senior Research3
Total Hours48

Finish in Four Plan

First Year
ENG 1003ENG 2003
MATH 116 or MATH 1093Colonnade - Natural & Physical Science w/ out lab3
COMM 1453Colonnade - Arts & Humanities3
World Language Requirement or General Elective3World Language Requirement or General Elective3
IDST 1753HIST 101 or HIST 1023
 15 15
Second Year
ENG 3003Colonnade - Natural & Physical Science w/ lab3
Colonnade - Social & Behavioral3CIT 3003
General or Minor Elective3CIT 3023
General or Minor Elective3Colonnade - Systems3
General or Minor Elective3General or Minor Elective3
 15 15
Third Year
Colonnade - Social & Cultural3Colonnade - Local to Global3
CIT 3503CIT 3523
CIT 3703CIT 3723
CIT 3103CIT 3123
CIT 3303CIT 3323
 15 15
Fourth Year
CIT 4XX Elective3CIT 4903
CIT 4XX Elective3CIT 4XX Elective3
CIT 4XX Elective3CIT 4XX Elective3
General or Minor Elective3General or Minor Elective3
General or Minor Elective3General or Minor Elective3
 15 15
Total Hours 120