Graduate Catalog 2024-2025

Education (EDU)

EDU 501    Seminar: Designing Professional Development Plan    2 Hours

Students should enroll in EDU 501 within the first 7 hours of course work in the Non Degree Planned Fifth Year or Master's Degree.

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

EDU 502    Positive Learning Environment    3 Hours

This class will focus on methods and models of positive behavior management in group settings for school-aged learners.

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; fall 2022; spring 2023; fall 2023; spring 2024; fall 2024

EDU 503    Professional Development Experience    3-6 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)

Advanced training within a professional development context is designed to be a collaboration between the university and regional school districts to support candidates with job embedded experiences. The professional development must be pre-approved by WKU.

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; fall 2022; spring 2023; summer 2023; fall 2023; spring 2024; summer 2024; fall 2024

EDU 507    Geographic Concepts and Skills for Teachers    3 Hours

Designed for experienced social studies, earth science, and geoscience teachers. Provides up-to-date geographic content, information, and related geographic skills with geography core content for the P-12 classroom.

Equivalent(s): GEOS 507

Recent Term(s) Offered: summer 2022

EDU 520    Planning for Instruction    3 Hours

Survey of instructional planning, focused on pre-instruction. Topics include classroom management, determining outcomes and criteria for success, and differentiating instruction.

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students in Middle Grades Ed: Initial Cert (0458) or Teacher Educ: Initial Cert (0495)

Recent Term(s) Offered: summer 2022; fall 2022; summer 2023; fall 2023; summer 2024; fall 2024

EDU 521    Implementing an Instructional Plan    3 Hours

Survey of implementation and management of instruction. Topics include classroom management, determining outcomes and criteria for success, and differentiating instruction. One-third of the course is content-specific instruction.

Corequisite(s): EDU 520

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students in Special Ed Initial Cert (0456) , Middle Grades Ed: Initial Cert (0458) , IECE, Birth-Age 5, Initial Cer (0460) or Teacher Educ: Initial Cert (0495)

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

EDU 522    Foundations of Differentiated Instruction    3 Hours

Designing a qualitatively different instruction for students with varying abilities, interests, learning profiles, and affect within the regular classroom experience.

Prerequisite(s): EDU 520

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; fall 2022; spring 2023; summer 2023; spring 2024; summer 2024

EDU 524    Educational Assessment    3 Hours

A study of assessment and evaluative techniques used by P-12 teachers, including norm-referenced and criterion-based data analysis, that are utilized throughout the teaching and learning process.

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

EDU 540    Place-Based Social Studies    3 Hours

Place-based social studies introduces educators to research, theory, and practice of using the local community and environment to teach concepts in civics, history, economics, and geography. This course is intended for P-12 educators and nonformal educators.

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

EDU 541    Place-Based Science    3 Hours

Place-based science uses local community/environment to teach concepts in sense of place through studying local ecology, environmental justice, energy, and health. This course is intended for P-12 and nonformal educators.

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

EDU 544    Classroom Teaching Strategies    3 Hours

Examination of alternative teaching strategies related to four major goal attainment areas: fact/process retention, information, processing, social interaction, and personal development.

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

EDU 560    Capstone in Education    3 Hours

Candidates will conduct a capstone project in a school setting tied to district, school, and/or participant professional identified needs.

Recent Term(s) Offered: fall 2022; spring 2023; summer 2023; fall 2023; spring 2024; summer 2024; fall 2024

EDU 570    Educational Assessment for P-12 Learners    3 Hours

Best practices for educational assessment for classroom teachers. Designed for graduate students seeking initial teacher certification program.

Prerequisite(s): EDU 520

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students in Middle Grades Ed: Initial Cert (0458) or Teacher Educ: Initial Cert (0495)

Recent Term(s) Offered: winter 2022; winter 2023; winter 2024

EDU 580    Advanced Special Topics    3-6 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)

Advanced special topics course customized to support program participant goals.

Recent Term(s) Offered: fall 2022; spring 2023; summer 2023; fall 2023; spring 2024; summer 2024; fall 2024

EDU 589    Advanced Internship for the MAT    6 Hours

Students complete the state approved equivalent of a student teaching experience through supervised practice in an appropriate setting. Settings will vary according to student background, certification goals, and advisor approval. Students are responsible for arranging their own transportation to assigned sites. Note: Admission to professional education unit required.

Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students in Special Ed Initial Cert (0456) , Middle Grades Ed: Initial Cert (0458) , IECE, Birth-Age 5, Initial Cer (0460) or Teacher Educ: Initial Cert (0495)

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; fall 2022; spring 2023; fall 2023; spring 2024; fall 2024

EDU 590    Advanced Teaching Internship    3 Hours

Supervised internship in an academic setting for development of advanced instructional skills and experience. Site assigned will depend on student background and will require advisor approval. Students are responsible for arranging their own transportation to designated or assigned sites.

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

EDU 594    Practicum in Education or Behavioral Sciences    1-3 Hours

Supervised practical experience related to education or behavioral science studies. Note: Completion of at least 18 hours in MAE Education and Behavioral Science Studies including all core requirements except capstone required.

Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students in Educ Behav Science Studies (042)

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; fall 2023; summer 2024

EDU 595    Directed Study in Education or Behavioral Sciences    3 Hours

Directed study related to best practices in education or behavioral sciences. Requires completion of research project on approved topic. Note: Completion of at least 21 hours in MAE Education and Behavioral Science Studies including all requirements except capstone required.

Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students in Educ Behav Science Studies (042)

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

EDU 596    Seminar: Portfolio Development and Professional Educator Growth Plan    1-2 Hours

Students should enroll in EDU 596 after completing at least 24 hours of course work in the Non Degree Planned Fifth Year or Master's Degree.

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

EDU 598    Seminar: Evaluation of Professional Development Plan    1 Hour

No course description is available

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

EDU 599    Thesis Research and Writing    1-6 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)

Independent research on a topic related to education or behavioral sciences.

Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

EDU 600    Maintaining Matriculation    1-6 Hours

Maintaining matriculation.

Prerequisite(s): EDU 599

Recent Term(s) Offered: fall 2022; summer 2023; fall 2023; spring 2024

EDU 601    Seminar: Advanced Professional Development Plan    1 Hour

Advanced study of relevant professional standards and the application of those standards to a formal professional development plan and professional project development. Students plan a professional project to educate peers in their school, district, or state.

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students in Dir of Spec Education-Rank I (0426) , Library Media Ed - Rank I (0429) , Standard Guidance - Rank I (048) , Gifted Educ and Talent Develop (0490) , Elementary Education-Rank I (084) , School Administration - EDS (098) , Counselor Education (112) , School Administration - Rank I (121) , Secondary Education - Rank I (124) , School Psychology (147) , Early Childhood Educ - Rank I (156) or Middle Grades Educ - Rank I (158)

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

EDU 604    Management Learning Environment    3 Hours

No course description is available

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

EDU 694    National Board for Certification Exploration and Support    1-6 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)

This course prepares teachers to complete the initial certification by completing the coursework for the four components (content knowledge, assessment, differentiation, and learning environments) as outlined by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.

Recent Term(s) Offered: fall 2022; spring 2023; fall 2023; spring 2024; fall 2024

EDU 695    Advanced Topics in Education    1-6 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)

Readings or special projects in education. Note: Post-master's standing required.

Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor

Recent Term(s) Offered: summer 2024

EDU 698    Seminar: Advanced Portfolio Project    2 Hours

An exit seminar requiring presentation of a professional portfolio project including evidence of professional development. Note: Completion of at least 24 hours in non-degree planned Rank I or Specialist degree required.

Prerequisite(s): (EDU 598 or EDU 596) and EDU 601

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

EDU 699    Specialist Project    1-6 Hours (repeatable max of 6 hrs)

Independent research related to a topic in education.

Recent Term(s) Offered: spring 2022; fall 2022; spring 2023; summer 2023; fall 2023; spring 2024; summer 2024; fall 2024

EDU 701    Teacher Leadership and Assessment I    3 Hours

Focuses on a teacher leader role in the evaluation of international, national, state and local assessment frameworks. Topics include the role of teacher leader in closing achievement gaps and improving student learning.

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students in Educational Leadership (0010)

Recent Term(s) Offered: None

EDU 702    Teacher Leadership and Assessment II    3 Hours

Focuses on understanding the relationship between classroom assessments and curriculum decisions. Students will explore the concept of standards and standard setting processes in relationship to student depth of knowledge and assessment differentiation.

Restriction(s): Enrollment is limited to students in Educational Leadership (0010)

Recent Term(s) Offered: None